A Spiritual Treatise on Gender Roles

Abdullah Rifat Muntasir
14 min readSep 3, 2021
I promise to use another Microsoft Paint image next time.

First of all, I want to clarify that the information here are from my personal experience and countless patients faced by known psychotherapists. It is a part of an ongoing book. Psychotherapy is essentially a religious art. It is not a scientific study nor does it plan to be. It is simply occult and religious wisdom. Something I like to call Speculative Theology, granted all theology is speculation.

Gender Roles and the Soul

The eternal sunshine of the soul expands to the body and causes puberty. The Soul initially manifests through the nucleus of every cell. This is carried from the mother to the child. When the light expands from the cellular level to a level of organic harmony the body begins its spiritual childhood, which we call puberty. And the only way to get out of this childhood phase is to have children for women, and for men to raise children by playing the fatherly protective role. Here the the true differences between the nature of the male and female soul beings. That is how most of us have been raised. Even though some may have had delinquent fathers or mothers, or they may have passed before being able to play this role. This spiritual childhood, what we know as sexual maturity, is only a phase in the spiritual evolution of man. The light condenses in the testicles of man and in the ovaries of women. Causing courtship tendencies. Christians have traditionally called this light, Lux and Muslims call it Noor. Albeit lux is a precursor to the mundane form of light the eyes use to envision. Photonic light is a denser form of Lux or Noor. This is why bioluminescence is a real phenomenon. And by Abrahamic and Zoroastrian theology, this particular universe is created solely from light. This is why we experience light when any portion is broken, the fundamental plasmic reactions always either emit or absorb photons.

Thus, in essence the universe is the mind, and thoughts are light-forms or lux-forms. The thoughts of man are the lightest form of matter which can condense into reality if the emotions behind them condense it to photonic or even further forms. Here again we see that since the growth of the inner soul expands into different organs and manifests different hormones, the genders separate in their levels of thought. Thus they manifest in conflicting courtship tendencies that are more focused on reproducing a strong, healthy and intelligent child than creating a pleasant atmosphere for the participants. This conflict in courtship tendencies is a way for the universe to manifest more lux within a single human being in further generations down the line, however that is a topic too advance for the matter of this book. But the sheer lack of this understanding has created a civilization totally devoid of intelligence and the degeneracy is becoming more and more apparent.

Human courtship tendencies have been demonized by the modern world and things such as sexual harassment and rape have manifested. Both of these problems are problems of attitude or of consent. In fact the same problem exists with death. Death comes to most people without consent. Why people never learn to accept death is because they have been made to hold the wrong attitude towards Death their entire lives. The same principle could be applied for Murder, Rape and Demolition. All of these processes are like supernovas, they begin with intense outbursts of Lux, which is rendered in the human mind as emotions. Which eventually leads to a new beginning but has to manipulate the current reality beyond recognition because of the intensity of the thought-form. Unless we learn to respect the emotionally disturbed as superiors to those with a lack of emotions, we will never learn to respect the courtship tendencies that come with our spiritual childhood. Because that person by having intense emotions is a larger repository of Lux than the normal person. An evolved person often appears as a mutant in society because society has never taken evolution in serious consideration. A person who has intense emotions is more involved with life and thus more alive than a person who is indifferent or peaceful. Such peacefulness is manifestation of their uselessness or lack of Lux. This is a result of suppression, anything suppressed will become austere and desensitized. And their emotions will be transferred to another person who is positive towards their courtship tendencies because all of us share the same biological origin and will reach puberty when the thought-forms reach a certain coordination between the mind and body. To demonize such effects is to call the universe a mistake, thus forsaking God.

The cause of all crimes is thus spiritual isolation. This is why the victim and their supporters are always equally as guilty as the perpetrator. Now this is not victim-blaming, because biological entities serve a close symbiotic purpose that does not allow individual separation. Thus, the criminal and victim are not separate entities but an autoimmune reaction from the Will of God. Accidents are the guiding pathway to the next evolutionary step for the individuals involved. And evolution is all about the control of Lux. It is not places with low wealth that face the most crime but the places with the most spiritual degeneracy that become the worst places to live. The outcast or the criminal is always right but have expressed themselves in a wrong manner. Their accumulation of Lux has to be passed on to a female, but there is no social element that would allow an exceptional person to do this. Prostitution too is done by women who believe that the sex is the product being sold, which it clearly is not. This is why prostitutes end up being victims of crime very often. For women, the cause of crime is an outburst of neglect as well, women who accept neglect as a natural response, often disconnect their spiritual energy from the collective. What we call introversion. The yogis used to explain these effects with their, rajas, tamas and sattva model. But that model is false and grossly individualist which cannot be explained in the longer course of time. The woman or man creates the spiritual degeneracy by disconnecting them from the Divine Will* and thus from what we call Novelty. Novelty is what allows the Human Being to evolve in a spiritual manner throughout their lifetime. It is often these individuals who come together and end up dying before their time.

see chapter 3 and 4 for details on what the Will is.

The nature of lux is that it is not bound to temporal changes and thus functions as God’s Will guides it. This is why no two people hit puberty at the same time or age, even though some people feel there is a particular age for it. This is where individuality results through the function of the body. And we can see that a higher force works on deciding the individual purpose and role humans play within the great symbiotic entity. However, the variety of experiences in a person’s life slowly reprograms the cells into emanating and then concentrating the lux at different paces and frequencies. The Will of God thus relies on a geometric and repetitive pattern on deciding the fate of individuals within the system.

But similarities within all biological patterns exist. Realistically, both men and women have a 28 day cycle naturally. Men who do not have sex, have spontaneous ejaculations every 28 days and women who are not pregnant have menses every 28 days. But hypersexual men have altered how sperm functions within the body and as a reaction women have become more and more asexual and repressed about their sexuality as a symbiotic reaction. This became the case for two reasons, seeing wealth as a means of prosperity and suggesting to women that society is more real than her individual self. Of course, a concept should not be allowed a higher degree of reality than the physical signals of the body. Such a thing is harmful and counter-productive to solving the problems between the genders.

Unless this process is properly felt and regulated by well-versed elders of communities, the younger people often misguide themselves into mistaking gender roles as some form of social prison. Gender roles are not social prisons but naturally occurring systems that allows persons to reach the purpose of their puberty, thus conforming to the evolutionary current. Organisms do not evolve to become redundant unless the grandparents have a genetic mess that is unresolved.

In my case, my maternal grandmother was a rebellious feminist who rejected these gender roles, and thus I and my siblings have allergies. This is how spiritual science reasons with material evidence. And this genetic mess begins with the soul not reaching its maturity by elimination of the temporal ego, which has this concept of “youth”. In essence, we are all young and naive because our consciousness is too young to comprehend the smallest phenomenon fully of this universe. This says a lot about how young humans are in the grand scheme of their evolution. And truly understanding gender roles is a part of the spiritual childhood that leads to the collective understanding of humanity. Empathy is thus achieved through this understanding. We are never young or old as we are told by the Capitalist who define youth by energetic individuals who can serve them to build their immense and grossly unnecessary amount of wealth. This definition of “youth” is in fact demeaning and enslaving which the young feminist too short sighted to learn. For individual children to reach the state of empathy, spiritual and religious guides are needed, who are well-versed in the mechanics of the mind and soul, to lead communities.

The purpose of such leadership is to teach the people about controlling lux, but for any form of manipulation one must first understand the system of how this light is generated and how it operates within man’s body. Sexual prowess is achieved through learning the nature of Lux. This is the period that comes after the raising of children. It is the phase when the spiritual childhood forces the person to learn to control the flow of this spiritual light within their bodies. Unless a person learns to do so they will always remain in this phase of spiritual adolescence. This in nature seems quite contradictory and paradoxical, why reach true sexual maturity after raising children? That is because one must prove to nature that they are ready for such a responsibility as becoming the symbol of excellence. So nature does have an aspect of logical positivism but that too ends at a realistic extent unlike empirical philosophies which have to defend ideas till infinity. Often the first child we raise are not our own children but the children of other close relatives. As an uncle or as an elder brother raising the younger siblings. Therefore, it is this deep spiritual connection with children that slowly manifests as sexual prowess because once you become attracted to that immense power of purity of a child, you simply crave more. This is a form of curiosity, the same thing that dropped Adam from heaven, the will to observe himself in the past, observe his own creation.

For a man, the control of the spiritual light is to understand that the spiritual condition of an individual affects all those around him. If the person is more developed than his surrounding persons, he unwillingly disrupts others into development. And growth is never a painless a process. For the man, spiritual control of light means to know his position in the hierarchy of fatherhood and spend their time in the company of fathers. Collectivism is essentially masculine spiritual adulthood. This is why it is a part of their spiritual adulthood that a man becomes a part of some kind of spiritual fraternity. Such fraternal orders have always produced the best and the worst of men, a position that requires intense talent to achieve. So, complete involvement in reacting appropriately to emerging challenges is what brings out the fatherly, sexually fertile and responsible man that is inherent in reaching true adulthood of the soul. This intense feeling of involvement is brought through focusing one’s light into their egos, into realizing a self outside the collective group. Acknowledging a hierarchy of egos is how men slowly realize their spiritual light. At this point in life, a man always functions as a part of a collective but thinks with an ego, with a separated I. His purpose is to pass on his light to those that he encounters acknowledging fully well that he possess no power to influence that person but to enrich them. Thus giving people a taste of what the soul is capable of. This is his role.

For women, the path out of spiritual childhood is a little isolated unlike the man. Her duty is essentially bonded within her body and therefore her role remains the same all throughout her life. A woman’s spiritual adulthood is not getting an ego out of what she does for the collective but to live as a character of sacrifice. Truly alone without a pinch of expectation from others. This is what often leads to her thinking she is not part of a bigger system. The root of feminism which makes women think they have to compete in the industrial capitalist system to make her stand. Of course that whole system is designed for all the players to lose. Because for a person to win in the Capitalist system they have to be immortal.
The woman has to play the role no one else is capable of playing. That is her self-control of concentrating her lux. Her job is unlike that of the man, she gives birth to the lux itself. By showing people that the lux does exist in every person and anyone can become a great person. This is why often people say without realizing that “behind every great man there is a woman”. It is the path for every adolescent girl to becoming a woman that she makes people motivated about things that otherwise hold no value. This is why men will go extreme extent in vanities to impress women. A woman is inherently capable of doing that, kind of like a superpower. But the lack of proper spiritual education has led women into being cover girls for capitalism. Womanhood of the soul begin by realizing that she is alone on her journey and no one can be a part of it. Now, this does not mean she goes out and tells people that, but it is who she is and it cannot be any other way. The acceptance of it removes the need for communication. Also, she runs a risk when showing kindness to people because it will cause the leaking of her light onto the void which will bring that person no true benefits. Kindness is spiritual degeneracy when it comes to a woman because she plays a role that keeps the collective functioning, thus too unique to be understood. She thinks as an individual but functions always for the maintenance of the group. This is why her spiritual light is better shed upon objects rather than people. In essence, the woman is the better manipulator of tools because the nature of feminine light allows her to connect to the inanimate. Therefore her issue becomes one of duty towards their immediate surroundings and their spiritual growth is related with their maintenance of the material around them. In modern manifestation this may look like telling women to go back to the kitchen but in essence it is much, much more. Their spirituality grows by connecting to persons by showing them the products of her craft. However the craft of the woman is different than a man because she is to show that mundanity is a necessary step towards growth. One must have a mundane base where to return if they are in a challenging situations. Her growth is reliant on telling others that performing badly is better than not performing at all. But her light only passes on by her craft. The spiritual light then passes on to these persons by means of cooked food or other gifts. This is why women of the past were involved in knitting and beading. It was a way for her to pass on her spiritual maturity, her soul light to the people who visited her consecrated space. She is sanctuary incarnate. Her Spiritual Adulthood is becoming a hierophant who gives the soft-ear to the problems of her children.

For the man, the end of fatherhood teaches them self-control which results in intense power. This is the phase of a man’s life where they have the willpower required to shape the future of their communities. This is a phase where men start getting a God Complex. And a God Complex is a sign of their Spiritual Adolescence.

If men and women never reach these states, the impulses of humans could be manipulated by demonic persons to create an endless state of dissatisfaction. All of our impulsive actions have courtship tendencies at their core. Thus, Spiritual Maturity is learning the demonic forces that are active within the world and using the powers given to Men and Women to fight these forces and ideologies.

Let us see as example how the protective tendencies of Fathers are abused by the Industrialists. To understand this portion we must learn to accept that spiritual evil exists. People who are jealous and antagonistic towards the system of God. They are like children who do not understand that going to school is temporary and only lasts for a few years before they are disciplined enough to become productive members of society. This life is temporary and the human body is still incapable of containing the Divine Light to its fullest capacity and our actions will determine the next body we receive. Therefore, these materialists take the current life so seriously that they feel the need to preach their religion through inventing substitutes for our primary form of exchange of goods and services. Their latest invention being paper money or bitcoins and the like. These minions of the Evil Force are biggest hurdle for Men to reach their Spiritual Adulthood. Because Spiritual Adulthood for the man is to recognize the evil and vowing to fight the forces of mindless consumerism. The father is willing to work, to put their life on the line so that the children can have a proper foundation to develop their souls till their death. This will roots from the deep connection of the nature of the Lux between the child and the father. The child in essence is his soul at work, and thus the death of a child will affect a father more dearly than a mother. Because the truth is, the mother’s connection with the child is physical but a father is soul-bonded. He now can be made to do anything if he is spiritually isolated from the symbiotic while and forced to fend for his children alone. In nature, Humans are kinship-clan creatures who are meant to bond within a clan. Where the child is safer. But isolating the child with its father in itself is a heartache that causes many men to be outright frightful towards becoming fathers. This can be abused to make the father do things that are spiritually regressive. But spiritual degeneracy is an even longer discussion left for the future.

Sometimes this soul-bond will mean the Lux of God sending the father into war with these forces of evil. Thus God gave the Father ferocity, devotion and loyalty to take that dire step for his children. This too is a sign of his spiritual adulthood*. Thus taking risks with complete faith in God for the sake of Humanity is the Spiritual Adulthood of the Man.

To resolve the conflicts among the genders we must learn to evolve our souls consciously. We cannot let the process to the forces of chance because that is leaving the soul for to the forces of Evil. If you are not aware of your own evolution, Evil will take hold. And Evil will abuse your spiritual isolation from the greater body of Lux. Because most people may become evil but they will never hold more light because light requires virtue. And as long as there is Noor in the world, you must connect to it to save yourself from mindless masses who have not yet understood how much they have deviated.



Abdullah Rifat Muntasir

I am an educator. I teach people who are willing to change the world.